Haggadah Deep Dive

  • Tuesday, February 04, 2025
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Queen Anne
  • 4


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Kavana partner Danyel Fisher will be leading this multi-part adult learning class on the Passover Haggadah. What do we know about how our Passover seder ritual came to be what it is today? Through close study of primary texts (Biblical, midrashic, rabbinic and medieval), we will geek out together in preparation for the Passover season. This class will be best-suited for participants with some prior familiarity with the haggadah; everyone who comes is guaranteed to walk away with something interesting to contribute to this year’s seder! “All who are hungry for knowledge come and learn; all who are nerdy, come and study.”

Cost: This program is open to all. Kavana's adult learning opportunities are generally free of charge for our partners, who help to offset the costs of operating the Kavana community by making a generous annual donation. For those who are not Kavana partners, we ask that you chip in $10 per session to help us cover program costs. Please note that there is a free option in case of financial hardship; while it is a value in our cooperative community that everyone contributes something, we also never want finances to be a barrier.

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