Mid-Week Midrash

  • Thursday, February 13, 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Online


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Each session, Rabbi Jay LeVine will teach a midrash* related to the weekly Torah portion. All levels of knowledge are welcome. The texts are complex - and fun! You never know what you'll find when you start to read a midrash...

(*Midrash is a classic Jewish genre of imaginative interpretation, and a favorite type of text to learn for both Rabbi Jay and Rabbi Rachel.)

Cost: This program is open to all. Kavana's adult learning opportunities are generally free of charge for our partners, who help to offset the costs of operating the Kavana community by making a generous annual donation. For those who are not Kavana partners, we ask that you chip in $10 per session to help us cover program costs. Please note that there is a free option in case of financial hardship; while it is a value in our cooperative community that everyone contributes something, we also never want finances to be a barrier.

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