Singing/Healing Circle with Chava Mirel & Eliana Light

  • Monday, October 30, 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
  • Queen Anne


Those of you who love Chava Mirel's monthly Singing Circles may recall that we had to cancel our October session a couple weeks ago. Now, we're excited to share the great news that we've rescheduled... for a time when Chava's good friend Eliana Light (a sought-after t'fillah leader, consultant, musician, and artist-in-residence, as well as the founder and co-host of the Light Lab Podcast) happens to be in town. We will pack twice the goodness into our hour-and-change together, as we gather to sing our hearts out together and call in peace and healing at this difficult time. 

Registration has closed for this event. If you'd like to join us on Zoom, please email Liz.

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